hingebrigtsen - Blog 2022-10-21T04:30:01+13:00 hingebrigtsen 2021-02-04T23:00:00+13:00 2021-02-04T23:00:00+13:00 Should you let your child choose their own clothes? Melanie Asiba As a parent, it can be tempting to always pick out the clothes that your child wears. After all, you can be sure that what you choose for them is appropriate for the weather or situation. But what happens when your child develops their own unique sense of style and wants to pick their own outfits?

Read on to find out why you should consider letting your child choose their own clothes, and how to handle the situation when they get to this stage.

Why should you let your little one choose his/her clothes?

1. It allows them to express themselves

The clothes you wear reflect your personality. For a child, picking out an outfit for the first time is so much more than choosing something nice to wear; it can be an opportunity for them to express their likes, dislikes, and opinions in general. Don’t be surprised to discover that their taste in clothing is the polar opposite of yours. Keep in mind that the first couple of items that they will pick for themselves are about experimenting to find their style, so be patient!

2. It lets them practice decision making

It may not seem like a big deal, but allowing your little ones to pick out their clothes while they’re still young can help to cultivate their problem-solving skills. Allow them plenty of opportunities to weigh up their options and make a decision, a skill that they will find useful later in life.

3. They will wear what you buy them

Any parent can tell you how frustrating it can be to buy clothes for your child, only for them to refuse to wear them. When you allow your kids to pick out their own outfits, they’re more likely to wear what you but them. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about spending your mornings trying to convince them to wear an outfit that you picked out for them.

4. It helps to foster independence

When kids get to choose their outfits, they are more willing to learn how to get dressed which encourages them to be more independent as well as inspires them to take more charge when it comes to their daily routine. Furthermore, by letting them pick out what they want to wear, you get more time to complete other tasks at hand.

5. It can be a way for them to start learning about money and budgeting

You can take it a step further by taking your kids along with you on your next shopping trip and letting them pick out the outfits they like for you to buy. You can use this opportunity to introduce them to money and budgeting at an early age. This way, you could help foster a healthy outlook towards spending that will encourage them to be sensible with their money when they’re older.

How to go about letting your child choose their clothes

1. Give choices

Most toddlers and pre-schoolers want to have more control over their lives, and getting to pick out their clothes is one way they feel they can achieve this. So whenever you can, let them have it. To make sure that you have control of the outcome, provide your child with choices. For example, ask, “Would you prefer to wear the black coat or the blue one?” Having a say will make your little one less likely to throw tantrums.

2. Plan ahead

To plan, try making a step-by-step guide of your kid's routine by taking pictures of them doing various activities. These photos could show him waking up, washing his face, brushing his teeth, getting dressed, and eating breakfast. Hang it in his room, and he is likely to follow it each day. If you allow him to pick out an outfit the night before, you can avoid having to deal with tantrums and tears in the morning.

3. Practice makes perfect

By the time they are 3 years old, most kids can pull on a sweatshirt, underwear, and elastic-waist pants. Most children enjoy doing this as it makes them feel confident and competent. So even if tests your patience, give your little one the chance to dress as often as possible, especially on slow-moving weekends when there isn't much to do. Remember, the more power you give to get dressed, the less of a hassle it will be.

4. Make a game of it

A preschooler doesn't understand the urgency of having to leave the house on time in the morning, which is why they would rather do anything else than getting dressed. Keeping this in mind, make their dressing up routine more fun by turning it into a game. For example, say, "I'm going to set a timer to see how long it take you to put on your underwear, pants, and shirt." Reward your child if he can get dressed before the buzzer goes off.

5. Allow for taste

Do you dislike itchy sweaters? Can't stand cargo shorts? Likely, your child will also have clothes that he/she dislikes. Therefore, try to be flexible about your little one's preferences, as long as it is within reason. There may be an easy solution to some of your child’s pet peeves – you can cut off itchy shirt tags or turn socks with uncomfortable seams inside out. And if he wants to wear shorts every day – well, why not? If you are concerned that he may be cold, you can always add tights underneath.

6. The winter coat struggle

If your child doesn’t feel cold while spending time indoors, why force him to put on a bulky jacket over his perfectly cozy outfit? Allow your child to shed layers and dress as he pleases as long as it is warm inside. He will feel different once he is outdoors. Unless it is unbearably cold, carry his coat for him if he can’t be bothered to put it on. If he gets cold, he will ask for the coat.

Final thoughts

Children enjoy exploring, discovering, and pushing boundaries. Allowing your little one to choose the outfits they want to wear could aid in their development, expand their creativity, and help with their independence, confidence, as well as financial management in the future.

]]> 2021-02-02T03:48:36+13:00 2021-02-02T03:48:36+13:00 How to swaddle a baby: a step by step guide Melanie Asiba Swaddling is a technique for wrapping newborn babies in a cloth or thin blanket that has been around for quite some time. For a new parent, learning to swaddle a baby can seem like some mind-bending skill that only nurses have mastered. However, with a bit of guidance and useful tips, you can learn how to make a cute baby burrito on your own – here’s how.

There are three main techniques for swaddling a baby:

The diamond swaddle

Here is a step-by-step guide for a diamond swaddle:

  • Start by laying a muslin or thin blanket on a safe, flat surface. Position it like a diamond, and fold the top-most corner down 4-6 inches for your baby’s head.
  • Lay your little one on his/her back in the center of the cloth. Make sure that he/she is positioned with their neck on the fold.
  • Hold your baby’s right arm alongside the body, slightly bent. Take the right corner of the cloth and pull it securely over the child’s chest, making sure to keep the right arm under the fabric. Tuck the edge of the cloth under the left side of the body, careful to leave the baby’s hips loose. At this point, your baby’s left arm will be free.
  • Pull the bottom corner of the cloth up and over your baby’s body and tuck it securely under the first fold, under his chin. Straighten your baby's left arm, and then take the right corner of the blanket and wrap it over the baby's body, carefully tucking it under his right side.
  • Secure the swaddle by loosely twisting the bottom of the cloth and tucking it underneath your little one.

The square swaddle

If a diamond swaddle is not for you, consider trying the square swaddle, sometimes known as the quick swaddle:

  • Lay a swaddling cloth on a safe, even surface in a square position. Fold the top right corner down about 4-6 inches.
  • Lay your baby down on their back onto the cloth, positioning his/her neck at the top of the fold. Your baby should be lying diagonally across the cloth.
  • Pull the right side of the cloth over and tuck it snugly underneath your baby’s left side
  • Pull the left side over and tuck it under your baby’s right side.
  • Twist the bottom of the cloth and tuck it under the baby to secure the swaddle.

The sleep sack swaddle

Do you want an easier option? For this swaddling technique, you need to have a special sleep sack swaddle.

  • Put your little one in the sleep sack, just like you would footie pajamas. Your baby’s head should sit above the sleep sack
  • Snap up the sleep sack
  • Wrap it securely over your baby’s body and secure it.

Final thoughts

Swaddling is a simple yet useful method of calming a baby. It’s just about discovering a technique you like and establishing a routine that both you and your baby are comfortable with. With the suggested methods, you can have your little one wrapped up perfectly in no time.

]]> 2021-02-01T23:00:01+13:00 2021-02-01T23:00:01+13:00 A routine for styling your baby Melanie Asiba Parents put a lot of thought into what goes into their baby’s wardrobe as they want their little ones looking their cutest at all times. But the reality is that babies don’t need a lot of variety in outfits as they tend to grow out of items pretty quickly.

Furthermore, you’ll be too busy trying to keep them alive and just trying to get through your day to worry about things like perfectly coordinated outfits.

Here is a great routine for styling your baby.

How to style your baby during the day

Styling your baby is more about comfort than fashion. Follow this routine when dressing your baby during the day.

1. Start with a wrap shirt or onesie

Onesies should be one of your go-to items when styling your baby. They are essentially bodysuits that serve as base layers, keeping your baby’s tummy and back from being exposed. Look for onesies that have snaps at the bottom so that you don’t have to undress your little one completely when you want to change diapers. This not only makes the frequent task of changing a diaper easier, but you also won’t have to worry about exposing your child to the cold.

Wrap-style shirts or long-sleeve kimonos are also great options for base layers. A wrap shirt has a unique design, with snaps across the front that eliminate the need to pull it over your baby’s sensitive head. This style of clothing is also easier on your little one’s umbilical cord stump, which is sensitive and needs air to dry out.

2. Add pants with built-in feet

Pants that feature built-in feet, otherwise known as footies, make a great addition to a baby’s wardrobe. They are ideal for little ones who are adept at kicking off socks as they keep their tiny feet warm and cozy. Furthermore, if you don’t intend to keep the footies as hand-me-downs, you can snip the attached foot and hem the bottom to turn them into pants.

3. The importance of layers

The number of layers a baby wears depends on the season. When going out on a warm day, stick to a lightweight, breathable onesie. Long sleeve onesies are ideal to keep your baby’s sensitive skin protected from accidental scrapes.

In winter, the general rule of thumb is to have your baby wear as many layers as you have on, plus one additional layer.

A lot of people tend to overdress a baby in the winter to keep them warm, so go easy on the layers. Look for jackets or cardigans (as opposed to crew or V-neck sweaters) with snaps (instead of zippers or buttons) so that you have an easier time shedding layers when necessary. If you notice that your baby is sweaty, has flushed cheeks, or is fussier than usual, you may have overdressed him.

Must-have accessories

Some of the go-to accessories when it comes to styling babies include:

1. Socks

If footies are not your style, socks are great accessories for keeping your little one’s feet toasty. If you keep losing these teensy socks on laundry day, try placing them in a mesh sack next time you toss them in the washing machine.

2. Mittens

Mittens are essential for keeping your baby’s hands warm. They are also highly effective at preventing babies from scratching themselves.

3. Hats

Babies lose a significant amount of heat through their heads, which is why hats are important to make sure that they stay warm. A colorful lightweight skull cap is great for warm days. On cold days, you want to go for breathable, cotton-blend hats to keep their heads warm.

4. Leg warmers

For those extra cold days, slip a pair of leg warmers over your little one’s pants or footies to keep their legs warm. Plus, they are great for keeping socks in place.

5. Cover up with a blanket

Top off your baby’s look with a warm, cozy blanket for those days when you’re nursing in public or taking your little one out in a stroller. In summer, go for a light, breathable blanket. For chilly days, something thicker should do.

How to dress your baby for bedtime

When it comes to dressing your baby for sleep, less is more. Accessories such as hats and mittens could significantly increase the risk for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). To style your baby for bedtime, choose layers of fitted clothing rather than thick pajamas. This way, you can easily peel away or add layers as the temperature changes.

If you opt to wrap your baby for bedtime, use lightweight cotton or muslin wraps that don’t go higher than your baby’s shoulders or cover his head, chin, or ears to reduce the risk of causing overheating or obstructing your little one’s breathing.

An infant sleeping bag is a great option for styling your baby for bed. A correctly sized sleeping bag will contain your baby’s legs, keep him from rolling onto his tummy while sleeping, and ensure that his head remains uncovered.

Styling your baby for a drive

Getting your baby dressed and fitted into a car seat on a mild summer day is pretty easy – all they need to wear is a breathable onesie, with a light blanket placed over the seat once you buckle them in.

On the other hand, styling them for a drive in winter requires a bit more care. If you have your baby in a coat, you want to remove this outer layer before buckling them in. This is crucial because the padding of a winter coat can reduce the effectiveness of car seat straps in keeping your baby safe in case of an accident. If your car is chilly, place a warm blanket over the car seat to keep your baby cozy.

Final thoughts

Coming up with a routine will make it much less of a hassle to get your little angel doled up, plus it presents a great opportunity to bond with them. Keep in mind that the most important thing is to ensure that your baby is safe and comfortable, so you want to keep things simple.

]]> 2020-12-23T20:00:01+13:00 2021-01-30T00:28:55+13:00 7 ways to have fun styling your baby Melanie Asiba Dressing up your child in adorable clothes is a fun thing that most parents enjoy to do. This is because it allows for the exploration of different options to find what best suits your little one, plus it also provides the opportunity for quality bonding time. Here are a variety of ways to have fun styling your baby.

1. Stock up on accessories

The right accessories can make even the most basic outfit stylish. They are effective at pulling an outfit together, making it look complete.

You want to go for accessories that are not only versatile and easy to match up with a variety of outfits, but also comfortable and safe for your little one to wear. Here are some accessories you may want to incorporate into your baby's wardrobe:

- Headbands

Complete your baby girl’s casual or party look with a cute headband. You want a headband that is made of soft, breathable cotton so that you don’t have to worry about it leaving marks or rashes on your little one’s delicate skin.

- Mittens

Mittens are great for keeping your baby’s hands warm and cozy. Additionally, a cute, stylish pair can do wonders for your baby’s outfit.

- Hats and scarves

Keep your little one’s head and ears warm and protected with a hat. For added coziness, throw in a scarf as well. A hat and scarf set should ideally be soft and elastic for utmost comfort.

- Sunglasses

Sunglasses are a fun and stylish accessory for those hot summer days out.

- Socks

Socks such as these cute animal print ones will not only keep your little one’s paws warm but also a bit of style to their look.

- Kid-friendly jewelry

Consider stocking up on kid-friendly earrings and bracelets for some added style.

- Bibs

Bibs are a must-have accessory for nursing babies as well as for babies who are transitioning to eating on their own. A bib in your little one's clothes will not only keep spit-up from getting on your child's outfit but also add a classy feel. For a fun look, chose colorful, soft bibs that are gentle on your baby’s delicate skin.

2. Go for trendy shoes

Add a bit of fun to your baby’s style with fashionable, charming, and adorable footwear. While choosing trendy shoes for your little one, make sure that you go for comfortable, soft, and flexible footwear that won’t be too tight on their delicate feet.

For your little girl, choose sequined booties, laced-up ballerina shoes, mid-heeled pumps, and tiny outdoor sneakers. For your little guy, go for casual penny loafers for a little gentleman look, or comfortable sneakers for outdoor excursions.

3. Mix and match

Make the most out of your little one’s wardrobe by mixing and matching outfits. Basic items like a pair of jeans, a white/black t-shirt, and a plain jacket can all be mixed and matched with several items. Consider adding these basic items to your child’s wardrobe to make it easier to get the most out of fun, brightly colored clothes.

For your baby girl, you can try layering a brightly colored dress with neutral cardigans or jackets. You can also play around with different accessories and shoes to complete the whole look. For your little man, you can try pairing jeans with a variety of graphic t-shirts. If you have the right basics, you don't have to worry about your child having a limited wardrobe as you can get several outfit options from a few pieces as long as they are diverse and easy to play around with.

Another easy way to mix and match is by experimenting with textures and patterns. Playing around with different textures and patterns will add dimension to your child's look and make it more fun. Try mixing a big bold print with a smaller basic one, or knit fabric with jeans.

4. Work their closet

Whatever goes into it should ideally be fun, stylish, and comfortable. Look for rich colors, and don’t shy away from splurge on super-soft, plush fabric that will not affect your baby’s delicate skin. You can also add a couple of cute hand-me-downs for a vintage feel.

For your little one, consider adding tiny pink hangers to the closet, or blue ones for your boy. You can also opt to go with neutral colors instead if you prefer.

The things that you put in your little one’s closet should be beautiful, meaningful, and functional. This way, you will look forward to opening the closet daily and getting your baby dressed as you get to style them as you please. However, if you have a toddler, it is important to take their opinion and personality into consideration when styling them.

5. Invest in products that smell good

It doesn’t hurt to have fancy diffusers that smell like cucumber or lavender or whatever gentle scent you’re into to cover up the smell of used diapers. A good tip is to go for a diffuser that humidifies and ionizes the air in the room. Choose an essential oil that you like and create a relaxing mood to make styling your baby a fun and fulfilling experience.

6. Invest in high-quality baby gear

Any seasoned parent will tell you that baby gear is essential. In addition to making your life more convenient, baby gear can also be stylish. Items such as strollers, baby swings, kangaroo pouch baby carriers, and prams come in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and designs, so make sure you get quality products that fit your style.

7. Decorate the nursery

Have a bit of fun with your baby’s nursery by decorating to make it stylish, but without compromising its functionality. Pick a fun theme and color palette, buy a comfortable nursing chair, paint the ceiling a neutral color, and so on. Make the nursery a space that both you and your little one find comforting.

Final thoughts

Styling your baby doesn’t have to be a difficult, stressful experience. Choose to make it fun by stocking up your little one’s wardrobe with stylish but comfortable clothes, adding cute little accessories to daily wear, and choosing trendy footwear. To take it a step further, you can even invest in adorable diaper bags and blankets.

]]> 2020-12-08T00:00:01+13:00 2020-12-08T00:00:01+13:00 Celebrating your baby's first Christmas? Here's how to do it in style! Melanie Asiba More

Merry Christmas! 2020 hasn't been a fun year for a lot of people. This Christmas season is the perfect excuse to end it in style!

If it's your little one's first Christmas, you have even more reason to be excited about the season of cheer! Can you feel the excitement in the air? I bet you can almost feel it in your bones that it's going to be a very special Christmas this year. 

As the decorations start to go up and the Christmas carols start to get sung, you are probably racking your brain trying to figure out what you can do to make Christmas day more memorable for your little one. Well, you don't need to worry about that anymore, because here are some wonderful tips that will help you celebrate your baby's first Christmas in style!

1. Plan for the holidays carefully 

The first thing you want to do is sit down with your partner and come up with your game plan of how you want the holidays to go. 

Answer all the basic questions that come up this time of the year: Who's buying what gifts? Where are you spending Christmas this year? Are you going to split the other holidays between your two families?

Remember, you have a baby now that a lot of people are excited to meet. This means whether you like it or not, there are going to be some disappointed family members. Split the holidays with your partner early enough and let everyone know about your decision. It will save you guys a lot of potential friction. 

Sitting down with your partner is also important when it comes to your Christmas plans for your little on. Bounce your ideas off each other and come up with the best game plan to make this Christmas a fun experience for everyone. 


2. Pay attention

Your baby's first Christmas can be a very busy time. It is easy to get carried away with what needs to get done and deadlines and things like that, which can make you forget what's most important: your baby. 

Do not forget to take some time out of your busy schedule every once in a while to spend some time with your baby. They thrive on attention from you, so let them have it as much as you can. 

If you are visiting friends or family, you can enlist your partner's help to give you the chance to socialize. Seeing a familiar face every once in a while will put them at ease and calm them down, which is essential if you intend to have a good time. 


3. Head out to the mall

One of the things on your baby's first Christmas checklist is probably getting a picture with Santa. Visiting the mall is the most convenient way to get those adorable pictures. 

Before their first birthday, babies don't have stranger anxiety yet. This means you'll probably get a smile or a laugh when they sit on Santa's lap!

Another great reason for visiting the mall is that it allows you to get up to date with your Christmas outfit shopping. There will be lots of Christmas themed outfits on offer, so be sure to check them out!

Alternatively, if you do not have the mental capacity to deal with the stress and chaos that comes with shopping during the Christmas season, do it online instead. You'll get lots of adorable options at a fraction of the price! 

4. Do not ignore your baby's routine

Christmas is so exciting! They don't need to nap through it, do they? Well, they do! If it's part of your baby's daily routine (as it should be), do not ignore it.

It is easy to forget that your baby is a tiny growing human that needs to sleep when everyone is so excited around them. When you ignore their routine, you are setting yourself up to have a fussy, crying baby that is no fun to be around. To make things worse, they'll ruin all the photos! 

So take it easy a little. When it's time for them to go down for a nap, make sure they do so, no matter what your mother-in-law says in protest! It's the best thing for everyone!  

5. Get that perfect Christmas outfit for them

What makes the perfect Christmas outfit? Well, it depends. For your little one's first Christmas, as long as it is something cute and comfy, it'll do. It's when they start having their own preferences and making demands that you can be stressed about their clothes and whether or not they'll like them. 

That said, Christmas isn't Christmas without a new outfit to go with the festivities. You can't go wrong with holiday-themed outfits, though.

From onesies to pajamas to pants to bibs and socks, there's no shortage of outfit options to choose from. You can get them with Christmas designs or in Christmas colors. And don't forget to also get a pair of comfy baby shoes to complete the look you choose to go for! 

6. How about making your own Christmas card? 

Since this is a very special Christmas, consider making and sending out your own Christmas cards this year. 

This is a great way to show off the new addition to the family. So dress them up in a cute outfit like this Christmas-themed romper, then sit them down next to a bunch of ornaments or something and you'll have yourself a winning Christmas card photo!

Is your little one too young to play alone? Here's an idea: why don't you lay them down on a blanket like this one, scatter a few gift wraps around, and capture that adorable smile? 

When you have that perfect photo, plug it into a holiday card maker website like Smilebox and let it do all the hard work to come up with that perfect card in just a few clicks! 

Final Thoughts

Christmas is a time of joy, cheer, and giving, With your little bundle of joy, you have even more reasons to celebrate this year. As an unprecedented year comes to a close, take this opportunity to create wonderful memories and start traditions that will see even better ones down the road. 

If you follow the tips outlined here, this Christmas should be a lot of fun for you and your little one. Remember, the idea is to just go with the flow and have fun. That's all that really matters in the end. Merry Christmas! 

]]> 2020-12-04T10:00:01+13:00 2021-01-30T00:41:16+13:00 Jeans: How to style them for babies Melanie Asiba More

There is nothing more adorable than seeing your little one outfitted in tiny, perfectly structured jeans. However, it is worth noting that how you dress a baby is starkly different from how you would normally dress older children. Since babies frequently flex their legs and stretch, conventional denim material isn’t the best option. Instead, jeans geared towards babies are generally made from flexible denim material that can stretch easily and allow for comfortable movement. Here is how you can style jeans for babies.

Different style considerations for baby

1. Toddler jean overalls

Overalls are a delightful way to outfit your baby. Consider for the classic overall styling, which typically includes adjustable shoulder straps as well as functional pockets. Rolled-up cuffs are a great feature for little legs, and accent stitching will give the overalls a realistic touch. Slim legs will fit snugly and give your little one an adorable, modern vibe. Cotton denim is a great fabric choice for jean overalls as it is super-soft on sensitive baby skin. An added bonus is that overalls made from this material get softer with each wash! You can pair jean overalls with just about any top and add on layers as you see fit.

2. Straight fit jeans for boys

Consider going for straight fit jeans that are designed with details that are reminiscent of adult jeans – a traditional five-pocket style, complete with belt loops and contrast topstitching. A straight-leg fit is casual and comfortable, and a bit of distressing can add an edgy look to an otherwise laid-back design. You want the top of such jeans to be roomy so that there is enough room for a diaper. An elastic waist makes the jeans easy to pull on, and stretchy fabric is suitable for younger babies or older ones who are learning to crawl.

3. Skinny jeans for girls

Skinny jeans are particularly cute on babies – something that you’ll ascertain as soon as you pull on these adorable jeans. The skinny jeans fit snuggly on your child’s legs, and the roomy top fits comfortable over her diaper. With the original jeans-style detailing and classic styling, these jeans look like a mini version of your jeans, plus they feature a cute lace up design that make them stand out. Pair these jeans with a flowing colorful top for the ultimate casual look.

4. Denim-look leggings

If your bay isn’t particularly fond of getting dressed, consider going for denim-look leggings, or jeggings, as they are popularly known. They are the most suitable look for infants – they look like jeans, but they are soft and extra stretchy like leggings. That way, you can dress your little one with ease. Jeggings allow your child to stretch, crawl, and play as usual, plus the elastic waist fits comfortably over a diaper.

5. Pull-on jeans

Pull-on jeans that are suitable for babies typically feature an elastic waistband (sometimes covered in a soft knit fabric) so that it stretches with ease and feels soft on your baby’s sensitive skin. Choose a pair that is made from 100% cotton fabric to ensure that it is comfortable even for crawling. For a boy, pair with a graphic top featuring his favorite things (like superhero characters or sharks). For a girl, a fitted top and a cute accessory like a headband will work well.

6. Ripped denim jeans

When choosing ripped denim jeans, finding a soft and stretch pair should be your top priority. These jeans come with a hip distressed detailing that makes your baby look like a tiny adult. The material is flexible and comfortable, and the elastic waist makes it easy to slide up the jeans over a bulky diaper. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about fasting a potentially uncomfortable zipper or button. The unique shape of this pair also leaves plenty of room to move around.

7. Jogger pants

As your baby starts to crawl or learns to walk, it’s crucial to choose jeans that fit snugly and don’t fall down. You want to go for jogger pants that feature a soft, stretchy waist that ensures the jeans stay in place without irritating your little one’s skin. Cuffs will keep the pants from bunching up. For fabric, a blend of polyester, cotton, and elastin is a good choice as it feels soft on the baby’s skin as well as stretches to accommodate all sorts of movements.

8. Skinny jeans for boys

Give your little boy a modern look with a pair of skinny jeans. The slim-fitting legs cling to your baby’s shape for an undeniably cute result. You can layer up on t-shirts for a hipster look, or pair them with a hoodie, sweater or jacket depending on the weather. Whichever option you prefer, skinny jeans made from 100% cotton fabric and featuring an elastic waistband will ensure that your child is both stylish and comfortable.

9. Denim pants

Switch up your baby’s every day wear with a fun pair of denim pants. Consider a design with an elastic waist for comfort and reinforced panels on the knees to reduce wear and tear especially for crawling babies. It is also important to look for a pair that stretches allover to allow for movement.

10. Jogger jeans

Jogger jeans are less stretchy than jogger pants, but they are still flexible and comfortable to wear, which makes them suitable for older babies and toddlers. Consider going for a pair that features with a rib-knit trim design for additional comfort around the ankles. You can’t go wrong with inner adjustable waist tabs to ensure a custom fit. You can pair these jeans with just about any tee, top, or sweater, as well as add on layers like a stylish denim jacket for a trendy look.

Final thoughts

Jeans are a cute addition to your little one’s wardrobe. As you choose a pair of jeans for your baby, consider the style, as well as their clothing preferences, especially if you have a toddler. A baby that chafes in tight-fitting clothing will be more comfortable in loose-fitting jeans; a child with a slight belly will likely prefer jeans with an elastic waist. By choosing comfortable jeans for your little one, you can style in multiple different ways.

]]> 2020-11-17T19:00:00+13:00 2021-01-30T00:34:12+13:00 8 winter dressing tips for children Melanie Asiba More

Children are generally more susceptible to cold than adults. This is because their tiny bodies tend to lose heat faster. Additionally, children, especially the younger ones, may not be aware that they are getting cold, which means that it falls on you to ensure that they stay warm.

This post puts together some useful tips that might come in handy when selecting the most suitable winter gear for your little ones.

Tips for buying children winter wear

1. The importance of layering

It is important to layer different winter-appropriate clothing items to provide warmth for your child. Layers are great for children of all ages as they provide optimum insulation, and if it gets too warm, they can be easily peeled off. If your child feels cold, you can simply add another layer or two to warm them up and find the perfect balance for your little one.

2. Avoid overheating

According to The American Academy of Pediatrics, the general rule of thumb when it comes to layering is that kids should be dressed in one additional layer of clothing over what a grownup would need to stay warm in the same weather conditions.

Excessive layering could make your child colder. This is because too many layers cause your kid to sweat, which in turn makes their inner clothes become wet and allowing wind and cold air to bring their body temperature.

3. How to go about layering

There are three main layers that you should be aware of: 

  • Base layer

The base layer is in direct contact with the child’s skin. Clothes that make up this layer can be a fleece, polyester, or wool wicking base that ensures your little stays warm, and his/her skin also remains dry. A base layer should fit a child snugly.

  • Middle layer

The middle layer goes over the base layer. The main role of this layer is to ensure that the body of your child retains heat. A middle layer should fit close to the body without affecting your child's movement. Materials for this layer include fleece and wool.

  • Outer layer

This is outermost is meant to shield your child against snow, rain, and wind. This layer has to be waterproof to ensure that water does not penetrate through it and get into the inner layers. An outer layer should allow effortless movement and allow enough room for the middle and outer layers.

4. Winter clothes should fit properly

Children, especially toddlers and babies, grow incredibly fast. For toddlers and older children, you want to buy clothes that are a size up so that you can use the coat for at least two winters, but ensure that the coat isn’t too big to the point that it restricts your little one’s movements or looks sloppy.

Another important consideration is that while going for winter clothes that are a size bigger will allow your child to grow into it, any extra space means that insulation is less effective. Therefore, if you are purchasing a size up, ensure that your child has enough layers to keep them warm.

5. Winter accessories

Some accessories that will come in handy when dressing your child for the winter weather include:

  • Hat

A hat is essential for keeping your little one's head cozy and warm on cold days. A winter hat should provide ear coverage and be made of lightweight material. Depending on your needs, there a variety of materials that you can choose from, including acrylic, fleece, and Sherpa. This hat and scarf combo  is a great option that you might want to consider.

  • Beanie

A beanie that is machine-washable is considered a basic yet crucial winter accessory that will ensure that your little one’s head and ears remain warm during winter. This pom pom beanie is a cute unisex accessory that can be paired with a variety of outfits.

  • Earmuffs

Ensure that your kid’s ears stay nice and toasty by accessorizing with earmuffs that are lined with faux fur.

  • Scarf

Add a scarf to your child’s winter outfit to ensure that your child’s face and neck are shielded against cold temperatures and wind.

  • Mittens

Mittens ensure that your little one’s hands stay warm. They are a better option than gloves, especially on particularly cold days, because they don’t separate your child’s fingers, and as result, more heat is generated.

  • Snow boots

Snow boots designed for children should feature waterproof properties as well as provide adequate traction and support that is needed for when they are running around and playing in the snow. These fluffy snow boots are easy to slip on and keep your child’s toes warm in the snow. Additionally, they are non-slip for added safety.

6. Consider the ease with which you can take off and put on your child’s clothes

While full-body snowsuits might seem like the obvious choice when dressing your child, they can prove to be a bit inconvenient especially when it comes to a diaper change or a potty break. A fleece jacket or zippered winter coat will be easier to put on as well as take off.

7. Consider the weight of the clothes

While a thick, heavy coat may provide your little one with plenty of warmth during the winter, this type of clothing is more restrictive. Younger children tend to have a hard time moving around when they are dressed in bulky winter coats. Instead, opt to dress them in warm lightweight layers.

8. Thick winter coats and child car seats

A thick winter coat will undoubtedly keep your kid warm and toasty, but it might also be a safety hazard especially when worn in a car seat. This is because, in the event of an accident, a thick winter coat may end up compressing too much and create extra slack, and consequently allow your child to slip out of the secure harness straps of the car seat.

Instead of a bulky winter coat, you might want to use a light sweater or jacket in a car. Alternatively, you can simply shed the bulky outer coat before strapping your little one into the car, and then cover them with a warm, fuzzy blanket.

Final thoughts

Whether you live in an area where winter temperatures tend to fall below zero, or you get to enjoy warmer winters, it is important to be prepared to dress your child in the right winter gear.

Before the cold season hits, you want to take inventory of all the clothing you have so that you know what you need to buy to ensure that your children stay safe, healthy, and warm all through winter.

]]> 2020-11-14T18:30:01+13:00 2021-01-30T00:33:27+13:00 8 ways for your kids to dress to impress Melanie Asiba More

Just like grownups, kids should also be allowed to put their best foot forward by wearing clean and stylish clothes. Whether you’re taking your little ones out for a stroll, preparing them to go for a play date, or traveling with the family, the outfits that you have the kids do it in is very important. 

Children interact with peers daily, and the way they dress can affect their comfort, confidence, and, of course, coolness. Read on for a few tips on how to dress your child to impress.

1. Look for clothes that fit

A lot of parents choose to go for clothes that are way too big for their kids because they reason that they can grow into them. While there is some sense to that, you want to take care not to size up too far.

Yes, kids typically grow up very fast, and you will find yourself having to renew their wardrobe regularly to keep up. Yes, they will eventually grow into outfits that are initially too big, and you will get to save a bit of money, but in the meantime, oversized clothes will leave them looking sloppy.

If you want your child to grow into an outfit, the best solution is to buy clothing that is just slightly bigger – half or one size up at most. This way, your little one will be comfortable and still look great, and you will also buy yourself a bit of time before they grow out of the outfit.

Similarly, you want to avoid dressing your kid in clothes that are too small. If your child insists on wearing their favorite shirt or dress that is several sizes too small, offer other fun options, or better still, take them along with you on the next shopping trip and let them choose an item of clothing that they like.

2. Comfort is key 

It is important to prioritize comfort when dressing your child. Keep in mind that the clothes that may catch your eye may not be the same clothes your child gravitates towards. Dressing your child comfortably doesn’t necessarily mean wearing sweat – it can simply be about working with outfits that they like. After all, they are the ones who wear the clothes you choose.

Allow their personality to shine through their clothes. Letting your child wear what they feel comfortable in will significantly contribute to their confidence, as well as encourage them to wear the items that you buy more often.

3. Look for quality

When it comes to choosing clothes for your child, it is crucial to take into consideration the quality of the fabric. Poor quality fabric will irritate the delicate skin of your child and consequently affect their comfort.

Low-quality fabric will also fade and start to fray after a couple of washes and negatively affect your child's appearance. To avoid dealing with such issues, you should always go for high-quality clothes that are well-made.

4. Ensure you dress them for the occasion

It is important to ensure that the outfit that your little one wears matches the activities that they are going to take part in. If your child is going to be playing at the park all day or has a soccer game to go to, then a fancy dress is hardly the appropriate outfit.

If your little one is attending a friend’s birthday, fancy colorful attires should work well for the occasion. If you’ve noticed that they tend to lose things easily, you may want to dial back on the accessories.

5. Matching outfits

It is trendy and undeniably adorable to match outfits with your little one. Once in a while, you can try to coordinate your pants or dress with your child depending on the occasion. Children naturally love emulating adults, and matching your outfit to theirs may help them feel more confident. There are different ways you can fashionably coordinate outfits with your child, whether it is by wearing matching swimsuits or sweatshirts for the whole family.

6. Dress your little one according to the season

When dressing your little one to impress, the weather or season should be one of the things that determine their outfit. Whether it is a sunny summer or a cold winter day, you want your little one to look fashionable. You have a variety of options, whether you are dressing your little one for winter or summer.

You can never go wrong with layers. You may find that the temperature fluctuates throughout the day, or the physical activities that your little one takes part in may cause his/her body temperature to change. Dressing your child in layers will make it easy for you to adjust for comfort without having to put them in an entirely different outfit.

7. Care for clothing

When you buy an article of clothing, it usually comes with a label that features instructions on how to properly care for it. You may be tempted to toss all clothes together in the washing machine, but the instructions on the label are there for a reason. Following them will ensure that your child’s clothes will last longer.

Consider putting away the laundry as soon as you take it out of the dryer. Your kids will look much better in clothes that have been hung or folded to avoid wrinkling.

8. Don’t overlook safety

While part of dressing your child to impress is style, remember the importance of safety. When shopping for clothes, you may want to steer clear of clothes with buttons on them – fastening systems such as zippers and snaps may be much safer as buttons can easily get loose and immediately present a choking hazard.

Final thoughts

When putting together an outfit for your kids, it is important to keep in mind that just because clothing is trendy doesn’t mean that your child will like it or feel good in it. However, if you come across something that you like, and feel that you can make it work, find a way to incorporate it into your child’s style.

As long as the clothes you choose for your little one are comfortable, fit properly, of good quality, and match the season or occasion, you won’t have a hard time helping them dress to impress. Good luck! 

]]> 2020-11-08T00:00:01+13:00 2021-01-30T00:31:54+13:00 How to celebrate baby's first thanksgiving Melanie Asiba More

Everyone has something to be thankful for this year. With your little bundle of joy, you obviously have one more thing to be thankful for than everyone else. It goes without saying that you've accomplished a lot this year, and you should be absolutely proud of yourself.

2020 hasn't been an easy year. So much has happened that it's a big deal to have made it this far. Your little turkey might not know it yet, but they have just made it through one of the toughest years in recent memory.

Therefore, this Thanksgiving is a pretty big deal. You want to celebrate it in a way that shows that. Here are a few tips to help you do that.  

1. Do not forget that you are your baby's mother

Because of COVID restrictions, a lot of people may not spend thanksgiving with family this year. However, if you are going to be with your family on Thanksgiving, do not forget that you are your baby's mother.

What does this mean? Well, a couple of things. First, you know your baby best. Secondly, you are the only person who can make the final decision concerning your baby's well-being.

Thanksgiving with family, especially when you have a baby, is one of those times where you get lots of unsolicited advice from relatives and friends. Everyone has an opinion on what you should or shouldn't do when it comes to raising our baby. 

When this happens, politely remind them that you've made it this far on your own and you are doing just fine. If you are visiting your partner's family, work with your partner to set up boundaries and to find the best way to communicate those boundaries to relatives and friends who do not know how to mind their own business. If you play your cards right, you'll walk away unscathed and without offending a single person!   

2. Stick to their routine

If your baby is used to a certain routine, the holidays are no excuse to abandon them. Skipping a nap or two might seem like a smart idea on paper (they'll sleep more at night, won't they?) but it really isn't. It'll just make them fussy and a pain to be around for everyone. That's the last thing you want. 

Whether you'll be spending thanksgiving elsewhere or in your own home, remember not to ignore your little one's routine because babies thrive on routine.

3. Visiting friends or family for Thanksgiving? Overpack

Packing more than you need is the only way to beat the unpredictability that comes with travelling with a baby. 

Many parents have opted not to travel this year because there's a pandemic going around, but if you are, consider overpacking. Extra diapers, bottles, wipes, bibs, and burp cloths are a must. Also, don't forget to bring extra blankets and onesies

Anything can happen when you are travelling with your baby. The weather can be rather unpredictable sometimes, so you might run into delays that will end up using a lot of the resources you travelled with. It's better to have too much and not need it than to have too little and run low. 




4. Get that perfect thanksgiving outfit for them

It's almost a tradition these days that kids get new outfits on Thanksgiving day. Every parent wants their child to look extra cute on the big day, so don't be left behind!

Thanksgiving-themed animal onesies are a great starting point. You can also get funny t-shirts and matching top and bottom pieces in fall colors. 

Try to keep the outfits unisex if you intend to get more use out of them after your little one outgrows them. 

5. You probably won't have a perfect Thanksgiving

I know this sounds a bit harsh, but it's true. There's no such thing as a "perfect" thanksgiving. I've found that it's better to accept this simple fact of life to avoid disappointments when things don't work out. 

Something always goes wrong on Thanksgiving or on the days leading up to it. Usually, it is things that are out of your control, like not getting the turkey on time or dinner being late for one reason or another. Your little one might pick that day to not go down for a nap so you can enjoy some peace and quiet, or your weird uncle might do something unexpected at the table. 

Instead of getting stressed over things that did not work out, focus on the quality time you are enjoying with your little one. It's only going to be your baby's first thanksgiving once. Take it all in and live in the moment because it's the little things that will count in the end.



Final Thoughts

As the year comes to an end, you have so much to be thankful for. You have had quite the journey this year, taking care of a baby in the middle of a pandemic. The fact that you are here celebrating Thanksgiving with your little one means that you have done a truly amazing job and you should be proud of yourself. 

First thanksgivings are exciting, fun, and sometimes, stressful. However, there are lots of opportunities for creating lifelong memories here. Do not waste this chance! 

If you are going to be celebrating away from your home, make sure you take lots of pics before you leave. It's highly likely they'll be happiest in that familiar space, so capture those adorable smiles before you leave and everything changes! 

With these tips, your baby's first thanksgiving should be a lot of fun. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun with your little one. Happy Thanksgiving! 

]]> 2020-10-31T04:07:27+13:00 2020-10-31T04:07:27+13:00 6 Tips for celebrating your baby's first Halloween Melanie Asiba More

Halloween is here! Well, with the pandemic still going on, perhaps Halloween has been here all through this year, huh? Anyway, if this is going to be your baby's first Halloween, you're probably trying to figure out how to make it extra special. 

You might argue that no one remembers their first Halloween, but these memories are going to be just as important (or even more important) to you. You don't want to take any chances with this! 

If you are stumped on where to start when it comes to celebrating your baby's first Halloween, this guide is here to help.

If you are going to forget everything else here, remember this one thing: your little one's comfort is important to them, and convenience is important to you. You are going to be spending 90% of your time with your little one this Halloween. You want to make this time as stress-free as possible for you. You take the first steps towards achieving this goal by ensuring they are comfortable and by taking care of certain conveniences for yourself, which shall be explored here. 

That said, here are a few great ways to ensure that you have a wonderful time celebrating your baby's first Halloween:  

1. Keep it simple

This sounds so simple, doesn't it? Well, on Halloween, it is easier said than done. 

You want to take it easy with your baby's first Halloween costume. You've been through a lot already, and you do not need the extra stress that comes with a cumbersome costume. So go low-key and whatever you do, don't try to make anything from scratch! Just keep it simple. 

The rule of thumb is the costume should be easy on and easy off. Think about diaper changes and your baby's comfort. Can you change a wet diaper within a minute or two in that costume?

Animal onesies are great for this. You can also get a pair of animal pajamas or some other Halloween-themed pajamas. These double as costumes and you won't have to worry about changing them into something more comfy after when they are ready to go to bed. 

Make sure that whatever simple outfit you choose to go for is warm and cozy. If it isn't, layer it with a jacket or sweater

2. Host a small party at your house

Because your little one is barely one year old, you might want to take it easy with the trick or treating. A great way to do this is to host a simple party for a small number of friends and family with young kids. They can come over with their little ones in full costume, have some food, then everyone goes home.

Just keep things informal. Hang out with the adults, let the kids play together, and let everyone have some snacks. Hosting a small party at your house takes the stress out of the equation. Plus, when you do it early in the day, everyone can get home by bedtime and no one's routine is left in shambles!  

3. Don't go trick or treating this year

It's not just about the pandemic going around. You want to avoid running into mods of older kids and overstimulating your little one. They are not ready for that kind of stress. 

Consider visiting friends or family instead. You know for a fact that they'll be excited to see your little one, and it might also help to start splitting the holidays with your partner as early as now. 

4. Visiting friends or family for Halloween? Take lots of pictures

Babies can be very unpredictable. Their moods can change in an instant and there is very little you can really do about it.

If you are visiting friends and family, or if you are planning to go trick or treating around the neighborhood, consider taking your little one's Halloween pictures even before you leave your home.

Because they are most comfortable in their own home, they'll probably be in the best mood at this time. If you miss this opportunity, you might never get another chance to take decent photos especially when their moods change once they leave home! 



5. Going trick or treating? Make sure you bring a stroller with you

You probably already know this, but holding a baby in your hands for hours on end can leave you physically exhausted. It's not easy. If you are going trick or treating with them, the fact that you are going to have to carry them the entire time as you walk up and down the streets must be stressing you out. 

If you do not want to be one of those struggling parents walking up and down the streets like zombies, make sure you bring a stroller with you. This way, your baby's first Halloween becomes completely stress-free for you. And they'll get to have lots of fun without getting tired or frustrated.  

6. You probably won't have a perfect Halloween

As with most things to do with kids, there's the version you have in your head where everything you visualized goes perfectly according to plan, and there's reality, where something will always go wrong somewhere no matter how carefully you had everything planned.

Mixing these two versions up will only lead to disappointment. It is completely normal for your baby to end up being too fussy or too stimulated on the big day. They might not go down for their nap when you need them to.

Therefore, to avoid being disappointed, don't expect things to be perfect. Instead, just go with the flow. They might want out of their costume, or they may not want to see a camera anywhere near them. It happens. If you let yourself get stressed over these little things, your entire day will be ruined. 

Focus on having a good time with your little one. How many first Halloweens do they get? Just this one! So enjoy it and five years down the line, you might not remember what they were for Halloween, but you'll remember all the fun you had together!  

Final Thoughts

So there you have it. With these tips, having a wonderful time with your little one this Halloween should be a walk in the park. It's all about proper planning, hoping for the best and expecting the worst, then preparing for that worst-case scenario. 

On Halloween day, try to have a little fun, too. Hang out with them and get to relieve your own past Halloweens through their eyes. If they have a great time, that's all they'll remember. And that's all that really matters, right? 

]]> 2020-10-27T20:30:00+13:00 2021-01-30T00:53:11+13:00 Unisex clothes for babies and kids: Are they a good idea? Melanie Asiba More

 Although unisex clothes for babies and kids may seem like something completely out of the box, they are actually a concept that has been around for a while. Gender-neutral clothes have always been were popular throughout history because of their practicality.

Before ultrasound was first used clinically in 1956, it was impossible to tell a baby's gender before birth. Therefore, it made sense to have gender-neutral clothes for babies.

However, with the development of prenatal technology, parents could suddenly identify their baby's gender before their due date. Everyone now had a reason to shop for gender-specific clothing. Thus saw the rise of pink vs blue. This shift began in the 1980s when the technology became available to everyone.

Today, when you step into the girls' section while shopping for baby and kids' clothes, you are overwhelmed by pink and purple, unicorns and glitter. On the other hand, in the boys’ section, the department is overloaded with a palette of blue and green, outdoor stuff, sports, and spaceships. These gender distinctions by style, prints, and color have shaped our view of what it means to be a boy or a girl for decades now.

The tides are turning once more, though. Things are slowly shifting back to unisex clothing. This cultural shift is being driven by millennials and the rise in social consciousness.

Gender-neutral clothing removes the limitations of fashion, allowing your child’s personality to shine. Gender-defined dressing has been shown to be rather restrictive sometimes. In some situations, gender stereotypes can even be reinforced through kids clothing. This makes children think that there are certain things that they can or cannot do, restricting their opportunities and options. 

Unisex clothing allows children to express themselves as they choose to. They allow children to be themselves and develop unique personalities without having to conform to gender roles. In this way, unisex clothes help to eliminate stereotypes.

As a parent, this helps you to create a path to freedom of expression and thought for your child. Your child should wear what they are comfortable with.

Unisex clothes are clothes that can be worn comfortably by every child regardless of their gender. With them, there is no difference between the boys’ and girls’ sections. 

So, what options for unisex clothes should you go for? 

1. Onesies

When shopping for unisex baby clothes, onesies are essential. Moms should buy them in bulk (size 0 to 3 months) because during those first few months, babies can go through a ton of clothes. Having several onesies means that there will be at least one available when you go through four or five clean ones in a day due to blowouts and spit ups.

Buying onesies in gender-neutral colors can be quite convenient. Think about it this way; your baby will outgrow her onesies in no time. If they are gender-neutral, you can keep them and use them for your next child. They retain their hand-me-down value, no matter what gender the next baby is.

2. Rompers

Rompers, which are also called bubbles or one-pieces, combine tops and bottoms into one outfit. Usually, they come with snaps at the crotch to allow for easy diaper changes.

Rompers can be worn by kids across a wide age group. Unisex designs of rompers are both comfortable and available in fashion-forward styles. 

3. Leggings

Leggings are soft, stretchy, and extremely versatile clothes that are a must-have for babies and kids. They can be styled in various ways and can be worn in different conditions. They also play the all-important role of keeping your little one warm in cool weather. 

Leggings, especially for babies and younger children, become more valuable when they come in gender-neutral colors and designs. 


4. Bloomers

Bloomers are also referred to as diaper covers. They can be worn by both boys and girls, which is why getting them in unisex styles is always a good idea. 

Bloomers are versatile and can be paired with a wide range of outfits. They can be worn under a dress, over leggings on chilly days, paired with onesies, or be worn on their own in hot weather.

5. Beanie hats

Beanie hats are convenient for babies and kids especially in cool and chilly weather. They help regulate their body temperature and keep them warm.

Having beanie hats in gender neutral colors means that they can be worn by both girls and boys, which is great because this instantly gives them more hand-me-down value.  

Why unisex clothes?

Since kids grow up so fast, it is not surprising for them to outgrow clothes that are still in good condition. If you have more than one child, or if you have friends and relatives with younger children that might need almost new hand-me-downs, buying gender neutral clothes becomes more economical for everyone. Plus, they are a lot easier to give away. 

Apart from the general socio-cultural benefits of gender-neutral clothes for your child, they can also help ease the pressure on your budget. For example, simple gender neutral outfits with basic designs are often less expensive than gender-specific outfits. 

Final thoughts

Unisex clothes for babies and kids are here to stay. They can be tremendously beneficial when taken advantage of, helping parents save money and helping kids grow up without being boxed in by gender roles. 

Does this sound like something you might be open to trying with your child? If so, be sure to check out our extensive catalog of gender neutral and unisex clothes here

]]> 2020-10-21T00:31:33+13:00 2021-01-30T00:51:51+13:00 What should babies wear to sleep? Melanie Asiba A detailed guide to what babies should wear to sleep. Prioritize comfort, safety and security by investing in the right sleepwear. This will help them sleep better and get all the health benefits that come with getting lots of sleep. Here's what babies should wear to sleep.


Babies spend a huge chunk of their days sleeping. Therefore, you want to do everything you can to make sure that they are comfortable as they sleep. This is essential if you want them to sleep better and get all the health benefits that come with getting lots of sleep. 

So, what should babies wear to sleep? Well, as a rule of thumb, the first thing you want to do is make sure that they are dressed in at least one more layer of clothing than you have on, no matter what the weather is like. Next, you want to prioritize comfort over style especially as they sleep. 

Here is a detailed guide to help you dress your little one appropriately for sleep. 

Dressing your baby for cold weather sleep

Babies are delicate little things. They are not yet able to regulate their body temperature properly. To help with this, you need to dress them in clothing that covers their arms, legs, and feet. In cold weather, they need all the help they can get to help to maintain their body temperature.

Footed pajamas are always good option when dressing your baby for cold weather sleep. The best fabric for an outfit that will keep them warm in the cold is fleece. You can also use lighter cotton fabric for layering. This will help prevent the baby from getting too hot.

Dressing your baby in layers instead of thick pajamas is important. With layers, you are able to add or remove layers depending on the temperature changes.

Dressing your baby for warm weather sleep

On warm nights, go for lighter clothes. For instance, a short-sleeved onesie or t-shirt would do just fine.

The pajamas you choose should also be comfortable enough for your baby to sleep in. Go for lightweight outfits to keep your baby cool as they sleep.

The best fabric for warm weather sleepwear is cotton. It is both comfortable and breathable, making it the best of both worlds for your little one. 


Swaddling is an age-old practice that involves wrapping your baby in a sheet or thin blanket to help them feel safe and secure. It is comforting because it reminds your little one of the womb, which was their first home, making them feel safe as they adjust to life outside the womb.

Newborn babies usually respond well to being swaddled. This is why most parents use swaddling as a method to help their babies sleep.

The material used to bundle your infant should be lightweight and breathable. A good choice is muslin or cotton. It should also allow for easy wrapping, ample flexibility, and tucking. If you are not too sure of your swaddling skills, there are also swaddle suits available that offer zippers and Velcro for easier swaddling.

Swaddling, however, should only be done during the first months. As soon as your baby starts to roll over, you should lose the swaddle. Some babies start rolling over as early as 2 months. Swaddling past this stage is not safe. 

Once your baby starts rolling over, graduate to a wearable blanket or sleep sack to help them sleep better.


Onesies should be at the top of your list of the clothes your baby should wear to sleep. Although basic, onesies are one of the most convenient clothing available for your baby.

Most parents prefer onesies to shirts because they snap at the groin area. This helps to protect your baby’s belly tummy from the cold as they sleep.

Onesies are available both as short-sleeved and long-sleeved. Long-sleeved onesies are good for cool weather as they keep the baby’s body warm by protecting their arms and legs warm. Short-sleeved onesies are good for warm weather or when putting your baby to sleep on a hot summer day.

The best material for onesies is cotton. Cotton fabric is breathable. It absorbs the sweat from your baby as they sleep, preventing irritation. The fabric also allows for more flexibility. This allows the bay to move more freely as the baby grows and become more agile.

Onesies are also a relief for most parents. The numerous diaper changes as the bay sleeps are much easier. Most onesies snap at the groin area, making diaper changes a lot easier. 

Onesies are available in many different designs. There are onesies that incorporate mitts and socks in one outfit. These footed onesies are especially effective when putting your child to sleep in cold weather. They are convenient since they keep your baby’s fingers and feet warm at the same time, so you won't have to get mittens and socks separately. 

Avoid beanies and hats in bed

You should avoid putting a hat on your baby as they sleep. Babies release excess body heat through their faces and heads to cool off. When you put them to sleep in a beanie or hat, there is an increased risk of overheating.

If your baby’s body temperature rises, they’ll need to lose the excess heat through their head. This is why it's important to keep your baby’s head uncovered as they sleep. Beanies and hats in bed can lead to overheating, and increased risk of SIDS, and they can also be choking hazards. 

Final thoughts

What babies wear to sleep is essential to the quality of sleep they'll get. Comfortable pajamas provide the best sleep experience for your baby.

In addition to the clothes, the temperature in your home should also be adjusted to levels that are comfortable for your baby. You should also make sure that your baby's bedding is comfortable and of good quality. 

As your baby sleeps, be on the lookout for physical indicators that might tell you whether or not your baby is uncomfortable. Signs such as rapid breathing, rash, perspiration, and red cheeks indicate that your baby may be overheating. On the other hand, if their fingers start turning slightly bluish, they are likely cold.

With the tips outlined here, though, putting your baby to sleep in the most comfortable clothes should be quite easy. Good luck! 

]]> 2020-10-15T23:30:00+13:00 2021-01-30T00:50:57+13:00 Best kids gender neutral clothes: an age by age guide Melanie Asiba More and more parents these days are making the conscious decision to raise their children in a gender-free way until they are old enough to choose what gender they identify as. Others just don't want their kids to conform to the limiting societal expectations when it comes to certain issues around gender.

One of the ways that this non-conformity is expressed is through the clothes your little one wears. Dressing your child in gender neutral clothes that have been designed without either boys or girls in mind sets them free in a lot of ways. It allows them to enjoy being kids without any labels. 

Gender neutral clothes mean rejecting the "normal" baby pink for girls and baby blue for boys. However, this doesn't mean that you should dress your kids in dull and almost colorless palettes. 

If you are a parent who wants to start dressing your child in a gender-neutral way, you probably have no clue where to start. Well, that's where this article comes in. Here is an age by age guide to gender-neutral clothes, along with some tips on how to get the best gender-neutral clothes for your child.

Why should I dress my child in gender neutral clothes?

Here are a few reasons why gender neutral clothes are a good idea:

  • Gender neutral clothes make perfect hand-me-downs. By shopping neutral, you don't have to worry about buying an all-new wardrobe if your next baby isn't of the same gender.
  • They are more affordable. After comparing prices in some stores, parents noted that sometimes, clothes that come in pink are usually more expensive than clothes with the same design but in another color. Gender neutral clothes will help you dodge this bullet and save you some money.
  • They are part of raising your child in a gender-neutral environment, which means you won't conform them to any identity and this gives them the freedom to be who they want to be.

Gender neutral clothes by age

As promised here’s a guide for some of the clothes you can dress your child in while not giving a gender bias.

1. Babies

These are kids aged between 0 and 2 years. If you are looking for some baby unisex clothes, you can go for onesies that are not made in the conventional baby colors. One of the most common colors used in gender neutral baby clothing is white.

You can also look for swaddles and shawls that fit this box. The baby will also grow a lot during this period so affordable baby wear is the way to go. For photoshoots and when you leave the house, you can get hats and little booties for the baby.

In addition to maintaining neutrality, ensure the clothes are made from a breathable fabric. This can come in handy especially in the summer. They should also be made from a safe material since your baby’s skin is very sensitive.

2. Toddlers

Toddlers are more active and they will need more flexible clothing. You can get some sweatpants with elastic waistbands for easy access if they want to go potty. Also, invest in some graphic tees and prints.

Just because it is gender neutral doesn’t mean it has to be dull. Some of the colors you can go for are yellow and green. Also, if you want to maintain a gender-neutral look, you might want to stick with jumpsuits, overalls, pants, and shorts. Although baby boys can also wear skirts, dressing you girl in one can water down the whole purpose of gender-neutral wear.

You will also need to get some winter wear for the cold days. Here, you can go for duller color if that’s what you like. Get some gray, navy blue, brown, and black winter coats, jackets, hats, and mittens.

For footwear, you can opt for sneakers and flip flops to complete that gender-neutral look.

3. Kids

These are little ones aged between 4 and 7 years old. For them, they might start to have an opinion on what they like and want to wear concerning the clothes' colors and designs. At this point, it is important to consider your child's opinions both when putting together an outfit for the day and when shopping for clothes.

Also, children of this age bracket have started going to school and this means interacting with more children. As such, you need to also talk to the school if you are choosing to raise your child in a gender neutral way. Your little one might also want to get clothes based on their favorite shows and as a way to try to fit in with the other kids.

The color scheme for gender-neutral clothes for children of this age is still the same as the ones listed above. Since they're only just starting to figure out how to dress themselves, make sure that clothes are easy-access. The jackets and hoodies should have large zippers and buttons. For bottoms, avoid those with fly zippers and small buttons since they can only frustrate your child when it is time to go potty and there is no adult around.

Tips for buying gender neutral clothes

In most clothing stores, there is only a boys’ section and a girls’ one, with nothing in between. For this reason, getting gender-neutral clothes can be a hard task. Take a look at some of the tips you can use to source some of these clothes.

1. Go thrifting

One of the easiest ways for you to find gender-neutral clothes is to go to a thrift store. In some thrift stores, clothes are grouped by their color and not their gender, so it makes your search a lot easier.

Also, clothes bought from a thrift store are less expensive than in stores. For this reason, you get your baby clothes for cheap while keeping them gender neutral. Besides, if you are starting out or experimenting with gender-neutral clothes, you might want to play it safe and use cheaper options.

2. Accept all hand-me-downs

If a friend or a relative offers you some clothes that they no longer need, do not stop to consider whether they are meant for girls or boys. By choosing not to be picky, you might end up with a few nice pieces for your child.

Hand-me- downs also almost always come with a cute backstory, which is another reason to never say no to clothes.

3. Don’t stick to one side

One of the reasons behind gender-neutral clothing is to ensure that the clothes you put on your child do not conform to one particular gender. Therefore, you should never shy away from looking for clothes in the other section that's not your child's gender.

If your child is old enough to choose clothes with you or by themselves, you should not shy away from taking a look at the other side. You might be surprised at how many cool pieces you will find hidden there.

Shopping from both the boys’ and girls’ aisles gives you the best of both worlds when choosing gender-neutral clothing.

4. Pay attention to the wording

As much as colors are used to group clothes by genders, another thing you should be on the lookout for is the words printed on the clothes. Getting your child a shirt or a bib that is neutral-colored but has words like “mommy’s little man” or “daddy’s princess” cancels out the whole concept of gender neutrality.

If you insist on having clothes with words, ensure they don’t lean to a particular gender more.

5. Keep it simple

If you are just starting out shopping gender neutral clothes, a safe bet would be to buy simple clothes. Go for pieces with fewer prints and wording.

Also, if you are shopping for a newborn, there is no need to go extra. You can shop for mostly onesies and rompers since they are faster options. The minimalist aesthetic is always a winner and you can never go wrong. Newborns also don’t have an opinion about most things that toddlers would, so you can get away with dressing your child in plain clothes.

6. Go for characters and jerseys

Since a team can be supported by both boys and girls, a sure way to be gender neutral is to get your child a jersey of their favorite team. This is also a great way to get all those cute photos during football or basketball season. Plus, with time, wearing the jersey can even turn into a family tradition that everyone can enjoy.

Cartoon characters are also a perfect way to go if plain clothes seem too boring. Most kids shows and movies make merchandise featuring their characters. If your child is obsessed with some of them, you can get clothes with their favorite characters on them. This is yet another simple way to pick gender-neutral clothes that will make both you and your child happy.

Final Thoughts

With these tips, dressing your little ones in gender neutral clothes should be a walk in the park. With time, you'll also realize that making the switch is one of the best decision you'll ever make. Ready to get started? Start here!

]]> 2020-09-24T10:00:02+12:00 2021-01-30T00:45:23+13:00 How to style your baby girl Melanie Asiba A guide on how to style your baby girl, featuring a detailed list of outfit ideas and styling tips to help you style your baby girl. Pick a beautiful outfit every time with these tips, trade secrets, and dos and don'ts.


I'll be honest: I'm a little biased towards baby girls. I have anything against baby boys; it's just that baby girls are so cute and you can play dress up with them! If you are a girly girl like I am, choosing those cute outfits will always makes for a wonderful bonding experience for the two of you. 

When your little princess is still a young, it's up to you to decide what will look stylish on them. They have no fashion sense of their own yet, which is great because you can rely on your own sense of fashion to dress them. You better take advantage of this period, because before too long they'll start having favorite outfits and start turning down everything you pick out for them.

That said, I've always had a few tips and tricks up my sleeve when it comes to dressing my little girl. That's what I'd like to share with you in this post. Here's a detailed list of outfit ideas, dos and don'ts, as well as a couple of trade secrets that'll help you pick out beautiful outfits for your baby girl every time. 

Outfit ideas for your baby girl

As you buy your baby girl's clothes, try to go for things that go well together. Ideally, everything in their wardrobe should pair well with everything else. Here are a few ideas to get you started: 


Rompers are one-piece outfits, so if you are in a hurry, they can be lifesavers. The styling options for rompers are almost endless; they can be worn over onesies or be dressed up with stockings or knee-length socks, or even go for something loose that'll let those cute baby legs breathe.


Jumpsuits are fashionable and trendy, so having a couple in the closet is always a good idea. They are perfect for playdates, trips to the park, and impromptu outings. You'll get to choose between sleeveless and sleeved onesies. If it gets cold, you can always add a long-sleeved onesie under the jumpsuit or a cute sweater on top.


Dresses and frocks are timelessly stylish outfits for girls. Just like rompers, they are one-piece pieces that will save you lots of time. The beauty of dresses is their limitless styling options. You can pair your baby girl's dress with cute cardigans, diaper covers, socks, leggings, and more.

Top and leggings

The top and legging combo has always been my go-to because it is just so versatile. You can wear them to the park, around the house, and even as pajamas. This look gets old pretty fast, though, so keep things fresh by mixing it up with colorful clothes and prints. When using prints and colors, you'll need to make sure they don't clash by finding a pair with some similar colors.

As I mentioned earlier, when you buy these pieces, go for ones that complement each other. Wondering how many of each to buy? Here is a detailed guide on all the outfits you should get for your baby and how many pieces of each to invest in. 

Styling tips for dressing your baby girl

As you choose your little one's outfit of the day, here are a few styling tips that might come in handy: 

1. Accessorize

Just like earrings, necklaces, and bracelets can complement your outfit, children accessories are a great way to tie a look together.

If you choose to accessorize with jewelry pieces, make sure that they are made using hypoallergenic materials because kids' skins are very sensitive.

If your little one has short hair, headbands and bows are a great way to accent her look. Be sure to match the bow's colors with her outfit's colors. Headbands are great because they can be worn both in summer and winter so they'll never go out of style.

2. Visit the boys’ section

In most clothing stores, the girls' section is filled with pink clothes, glitter, ruffles, and sequins. If these are not your taste, consider shopping in the boys' section once in a while. There, you will find more solid and neutral colors and patterns.

Another benefit of shopping on the boys' side is that once you buy an outfit, you won't find many baby girls wearing the same things as your little angel.

3. Consider her body type

Even as a child, your daughter already has a body type. Although it is going to change as she grows, you want to dress her in clothes that match her body. For example, if she has skinny legs, you probably want to buy more leggings. 

4. Buy big

As you shop for your baby girl, try to buy things that are at least a size larger than her true size. Babies grow super fast so if you want the outfit to last for a while, this is the easiest way to do it. 

5. Comfort comes first

When picking outfits, always get things that your baby girl will be comfortable in. Start by looking at the fabric: make sure it is soft and not itchy. Check for tags at the back and remove them as they can be very uncomfortable to have on sometimes.

Also, don't buy things that are too small or too big, no matter how cute they are. It's a small price to pay to get a comfortable, happy kiddo. 

6. Match clothes

Matching outfits are always so adorable! Dressing your little girl to look just like you is the perfect way to get complements wherever you go. It'll also make for extra cute photos while providing a wonderful bonding experience for you and your child. 

9. Embrace DIYs

If you have a creative side, you can flex those creative muscles by making a cute outfit yourself at home. Some of the easiest items to make are headbands. To make them, all you have to do is cut strips from old clothes, sew the hems, then add some details to your creation. 

If you know how to crotchet, you can also make other pieces like sweaters, mittens, booties, and hats. It will save you a lot of money while giving you an outlet to bring your ideas to life.

Final Thoughts

Dressing your baby girl is always a lot of fun. It's not always a walk in the park, though. Hopefully, with the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you'll find it a little easier to style your baby girl. Good luck!  
